Robben Island & Sanitized Stories

Just three days past, it seems like an unbelievable dream to spend 5 days on Robben Island last week. I was part of just a few groups who have been given an invitation to stay overnight. We slept and ate in the convict minimum security prison in large dorm rooms down the street from the maximum security prison where Mandela and other political prisoners were kept.

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Manya Williams

There is a moment in our trip to Burundi that you will hear about from Maggie, Jane and I if you talk to us for very long about our trip.

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Manya Williams

As we filmed Juana, her boys and their home, a line from King Lear kept ringing in my head, “Thy life’s a miracle.” I wanted to say to her, “Your life is a miracle, Juana.”

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Manya Williams